Change is a drink that, although within the mixology rules, considers wine an ingredient to be comfortably mixed with other liquid and solid products, totally changing its traditional consumption. This mix refers to local tradition and respects the organoleptic peculiarities of Carema, a wine that stirs emotions related to its terraced vineyards and ageing process. Due to these characteristics, Carema is a wine that can be used with freedom, because it provides the opportunity to dare with ingredients that are a little outside the classic, simple but with incredible impact.


5 cl Carema wine DOC
2.5 cl elderflower liqueur
3 parsley leaves
3 drops of orange flavoured extra virgin olive oil

Add all the ingredients in a three-piece shaker with a pestle. Gently massage the parsley extracting its aromatic notes; add the ice, letting it melt until obtaining a homogeneous mixture cold to the right point.

Pour into a Martini cup through a double filter; then remove the solid parts of ice and parsley. Finally, with a pipette, add three drops of orange flavoured extra virgin olive oil.
The oil provides an extra silky texture that softens the lips and leads the consumer to a new experience of “tactile” taste.

In turn, the oil has been flavoured by cold infusion that gives a pleasant citrus aroma to the nose and an extra sweetish pleasantness that recalls freshly cut orange or the impression of the first slice on the palate.

Dennis Zoppi is considered one of the most distinct mixology expert in the Italian scene.
Described as “the illusionist of the Bar”, his movements are elegant and hypnotic.
He is recognised for his innovative combinations of flavours, his incredible sense of taste and the elegant and captivating presentation of his drinks.
He has gained a strong background in the management of bars and large events on a global scale.
Winner of world-class competitions, he is a trainer for Plane One, one of the most outstanding professional schools in Italy in the hospitality sector. Creator of new glasses and sets in the world of bars and more.

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